Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sons of Anarchy/Glee/Parenthood/Warehouse 13

Sons of Anarchy - Caregiver
     Three words…Stephen Freakin’ King!  His brief guest turn as Bachman (HA!), the cleaner, was something I had been looking forward to since I heard about it months ago.  Full disclosure:  I am a huge King fan, so honestly he could have walked through the background of a scene and I would have loved it.  I think he did the creepy, scary, freaky act really well, and a couple of his line readings had me giggling like a little kid.  I thought it was great that even Tig, the club’s freakiest member, was a bit in awe of Bachman’s weirdness.
    The meat of the episode was the continuing search for Abel.  I was really pleased to see Cherry involved in the Ireland storyline.  My best guess is she is going to instrumental in bringing Abel back to Jax.  I felt badly for her that she just found out about Half-Sack the way she did.  It’s a shame none of the club or Crow-Eaters (HA) thought to call her.
     The death of Amelia, Nate’s caregiver, didn’t bother me at all.  She was pretty unlikable, and Gemma didn’t kill her on purpose, it was an accident.  Plus, her death brought Bachman to the house, so I wasn’t sad to see her go.  She also could have been real trouble for Gemma, and she already has enough trouble.  It was also nice to see Nate have some clarity, and know what is going on with his life.  I don’t know that much about Alzheimer’s, but it is heartbreaking to see what he is feeling.
     I am ready for the Sons to road trip, whether to Vancouver or Belfast.  I am also hopeful that they finally tell Gemma that Abel is missing soon.  I imagine she is going to be furious about them not telling her that Abel was taken.  I am glad they know that Cameron died in Ireland, so now they can make their way there and get the boy back.
     I like Opie’s girlfriend Lyla, and I like them together, but he had no business being in the restaurant while the private party was going on.  He knows he has issues with Lyla being in porn, and he really didn’t even want her to participate in the party, so he should have been as far away as possible.  If he felt he had to be there, he should have been outside, working the door.  He cost the club some real money by breaking up the party, and almost cost them a valuable relationship with Lin.
     Already looking forward to next week’s episode!

Glee – Audition
     Loved the way they kind of addressed some of the real life internet commentary that happened over the course of last season and the summer! 
     I am not a fan of rap, but I liked the first song they did, New York, and Mark Salling has a great voice and rhythm for rap.  I am showing my age, but I am not familiar with Charice, and I loved her voice and her song.  I am sorry she left for Vocal Adrenaline; I think she would have been a great addition to New Horizons, and would have been a great foil for Rachel.
     I liked Sam and the boys’ rendition of Billionaire as well.  I really hope, and expect, he will join the glee club in the near future.  The comment about how big his mouth is, and the joke that followed made me laugh.
     It was so much fun to see Shue and Sue team up!  I would love to see them work together more often, against a common enemy.  Operation Mean Girl was fun to watch, although I did feel very badly for Beiste.  Then it was over, and they are back to being on opposite sides.  I love Sue; she is just so bad she’s good.
     Finn’s audition for the Cheerios was hysterical.  It’s a well documented that Cory Monteith isn’t the strongest dancer on the show, and the fact that they really used that here made me literally laugh out loud.

Parenthood – No Good Deed
     I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about the addition of Billy Baldwin to the cast, but I really like the chemistry between Lauren Graham and him.
     I enjoyed the escalation from civil conversation to screaming over each other between Adam and Sarah.  I also enjoyed their reconciliation and am glad Sarah is going to continue working there.  If I had to come home to the chaos that both of them came home to, I would be tense and frustrated too.
     I think Jasmine was very selfish in the way she handled things with Crosby.  She never had a problem with Jabbar staying with him before, but now that her mother got involved and it’s for a longer period of time, she doesn’t think his place is good enough.  The situation has me annoyed for Crosby, and worried that while Jasmine is out of the country her mother is going to create problems for him, and in his relationship with Jabbar.

Warehouse 13 – Reset
     Tonight’s episode, the season 2 finale, got a little preachy for my tastes.  HG had a whole soliloquy about how the world has gotten worse since she was bronzed, and Micha said there are people fighting against that every day.  BLAH.  I don’t watch television to be preached to, if I want that I will go to church.  Just do your best to entertain or interest me, or even teach me something, but please don’t preach to me.
     I enjoy this show overall, but tonight’s episode just really annoyed me.  Pete lost Kelly, Artie almost died (again), and Micha lost someone she considered a friend, in HG, and left the team.  It wasn’t happy endings for anyone, except that Artie lived.  I don’t know if I will pick this show up again if it is back next summer, but I probably will.  One episode, even if it is a season finale, isn’t enough to turn me away from a show I have been enjoying.

1 comment:

  1. I'm 1 for 4 on these ... only watched Warehouse 13. Couldn't agree with you more about the season finale being too preachy - spoiled the whole thing for me. Like you, I'll be back, hoping this change isn't something permanent and that a perfectly good show hasn't been ruined.
