Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/4/10 - No Ordinary Family/V/Parenthood/CHANGES

No Ordinary Family – No Ordinary Friends
     To be completely honest, I watched this as it aired live, thinking I would re-watch it and pay closer attention to what was going on, but I don’t want to re-watch.  So, I am not going to.
     I love Rich Schroder, but even he couldn’t keep me interested in this episode.  I really do want to like this show, because I think Julie Benz is great, and I like Michael Chiklis.  I actually like the entire cast, and don’t know why this show just isn’t gelling for me.  I don’t know if it’s the writing, the special effects, the overall premise of the show, or what, but I am not at all invested in these people.  I couldn’t care less about the overall mystery, and already feel like the storylines are getting repetitive.
     The only thing that really interested me in this episode was that “Joshua,” aka The Watcher, finally told Dr King he is done being his spy/bitch.  He told him the powers were coming at too high a cost, and it seemed he actually really wants to be with Katie.  Of course, just as he makes the decision, Katie found Stephanie’s “secret powers journal” in his clothes, right after he deflowered her, and now she is going to feel betrayed and hurt and angry.
     Last question for right now:  Why did they have “Joshua” erase Daphne’s memory just to have her regain it in the first minutes of this episode?  I guess she still doesn’t know what happened that led up to her memory loss, since that wasn’t something anyone else experienced, but why couldn’t he have just erased that portion of her memory.
     I will keep watching this show for the rest of the season, but I honestly don’t see myself coming back to it next year, should there be a season 2.

V – Red Rain
     It feels like this show has been gone forever and I am glad it’s back.  I am glad ABC stuck with this show and gave it a second season, even if they did
     Tyler’s face melting off due to red acid rain in Erica’s dream was awesome.  I think it may have been one of the most graphic, gross things on network television.  It wasn’t bad if it was a cable show, but it was pretty graphic for network TV.
     The real red rain looked like blood, but wasn’t acid.  I was a bit disappointed LOL.
     Before I say anything else, I have to make an admission here:  I have a mad “girl crush” on Morena Baccarin…  I have, ever since Firefly.  I think she is about as close to a perfect woman as you will find, so don’t expect any negative comments about her or her acting.  I have a bias and am not afraid to admit it.  If it comes to a showdown between Anna and Erica, I will be hoping for an Anna victory, although I do also like Elizabeth Mitchell.
     I am happy for the addition of Bret Harrison as Dr Sidney Miller.  He has a comedy background, most recently he starred in Reaper, and I think he will add a lighter touch to some of the heavier scenes. 
     I am also glad it appears that Chad Decker is going to start working with the 5th Column as a double super-secret agent.  Although, his loyalty seems to shift with the wind, so I still don’t particularly trust that he isn’t going to take all of his intel back to Anna.
     I think this episode did a good job of setting up this season, and it made me look forward to what’s coming next.

Parenthood – Damage Control    
     When did Jabbar turn into a spoiled rotten brat?  He’s always been the cute one, yet this week he was terrible.  I don’t like bratty Jabbar.
     I understood Haddie being upset when her parents said she couldn’t see Alex anymore, but I totally see their point.  However, he really does have his shit together, and has already gone through some of the worst things life can offer.  He will treat her well and they wouldn’t have to worry about him drinking and driving with Haddie in the car.
     I am looking forward to meeting Sarah’s ex-husband.  That’s obviously where they are headed with all this talk about his addictions, as well as Sarah deciding not to date again, ever.
     I didn’t care at all about the dead bird/explaining death to Sydney.
     Sarah’s new motto for 2011 of no more men/relationships and that the year is going to be a good one is going to be my motto.  At least for now!

     As most of you know, this blog has only been in existence since September.  I am still trying things out, seeing what works and what doesn’t, and tossing things against the wall to see what sticks (EWW). 
     Anyway, I am going to try something different.  Because this blog has started to feel more like a second job than a fun little diversion, I am not going to be posting daily commentary on ever show I watch.  I will likely post something most days, but it won’t look like it has up to this point.  On the advice of a friend, I am going to be more casual, and just post when I have something to say.  I may post news, information, opinions, thoughts, etc.  I live in LA, so if I see a celebrity at an event, or on the streets, I will post something.  I will still talk about shows, especially if something really hits me, but it’s not going to be as intense as it has been.
     Give it a few days, then please send me a comment and let me know what you think.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1/3/11 - How I Met Your Mother/Mike & Molly/Castle/Hawaii Five-0/Men of a Certain Age

How I Met Your Mother – Bad News
     I love me some Sandy Rivers!  I was happy to see him back on the show, and since Robin is working there now, there are chances for him to return in the future.  I really love Alexis Denisof and it’s always fun when he shows up on my television unexpectedly.                                                                               
     I knew the title was “Bad News”…  I typed it right up there ^ before the episode started.  Still, I got so caught up in Sandy Rivers, and Robin’s bad video history, and Barney’s doppelganger being a fertility specialist, I forgot the title.  I got so caught up in Lily being ok, and Marshall having great sperm (high motility-high five!), and Sandy Rivers wearing a toupee, I forgot the title.  I got so excited for Marshall to tell his dad, then to tell Lily when he didn’t reach his dad, I forgot the title.  Then I realized Marshall couldn’t reach his dad.  And Lily was crying when she got out of the cab.  And then, BAD NEWS struck, and Marshall’s father is dead.  It was devastating.  I cried.  HARD.  I have no doubt there will be a lot more about this next week.
     I've read some commentary since writing this that there was a countdown clock on the episode.  I have to be completely honest, I never saw it, never noticed it.  I don't even know if it was just coming back from the commercials or if it was somewhere on screen through the whole episode.  Since I didn't notice it, I have no comment on it.

Mike & Molly – Mike Goes to the Opera
     Mike is gross.  Is it not possible for a man of size to be depicted on television as being clean and neat, even if sick?  I was so disgusted when he sneezed in the car, I almost turned the channel.  Mike has never come across this way before, and being sick shouldn’t turn him into a pig.
     I don’t really understand why Molly wanted to take care of Mike so badly.  If it were me, I would have been thrilled to let his mother handle it.  I get that she wanted to be the hero, to be the “go to” person in his life, but seeing how completely incapable he was of taking care of himself, I would have been happy to push him off on his mother.

Castle – Nikki Heat
    I like Laura Prepon, I always have, but WHAT did she do to her eyes?  I found it very distracting.  Maybe it’s just the dark makeup, because I don’t remember noticing her eyes when she did How I Met Your Mother, but it looks like she may have had some work done.  She is barely 30, it’s too early to start nipping/tucking/injecting.
     It made me laugh that Castle obviously didn’t enjoy having someone more famous than he is circling around Beckett and the team.  He didn’t like her to begin with, and the subtle lack of acknowledgement of his skill and writing didn’t help.  He eventually warmed to her at least enough for him to allow her to jamb her tongue down his throat, but I don’t see them ever being best friends.
     I was pleasantly startled to see Melody Thomas Scott as one of the suspects.  It’s not often she breaks away from Young and the Restless to do a guest spot on a prime time show, especially one on a different network.
     It was great the way Beckett went from loving attention and having a famous actress follow her around to hating it.  She got creeped out and concerned that Natalie was going to “single white female” her.  Natalie never went that far, but she would have slept with Castle if he had been game, which he wasn’t.
     Ryan’s proposal to his girlfriend Jennifer was sweet and just about perfect.  It made me tear up.  Some of that might have been left over emotions from HIMYM, but it was just a perfect proposal.  I also love the fact that Jenny is actually played by Seamus Dever’s (Ryan’s) wife.  It made the whole proposal resonate just a little bit more for me.

Hawaii Five-0 – Ke Kinohi
     Of course the bad guy, who’s been a bad guy for years and years, and who has oodles of money is well-connected.
     I want one of those gadget tables.  It would be cool to set my phone down and be able to see everything on it or plug in a memory stick and have it all pop up easily on screen.
     Steve and the team have gotten closer to solving and proving who killed his mother.  I am glad they showed Mary again, and showed Steve putting her on the plane back to LA.  I guess if you are a former Navy seal with a pass from the governor, you can still walk your little sister right to the gate.

Men of a Certain Age – And Then the Bill Comes
     It was nice to see Owen bringing the sales and service departments together with a new incentive.  It totally sucks that he had to back down and take it all back when his father told him the truth about the business taxes and property.  I feel badly for Owen because even when he gets it right something happens that sets him back.  His father really set him up for a huge fall by not telling him everything.  I am interest to see what he is going to do with that land.
     Poor Terry is trying to act like a grown-up, but his family and friends don’t seem ready for him to do so.  No one seems to believe he is ready to give up the acting for a more steady income as a car salesman.
     I am glad Joe went to see Manfro.  I like Manfro, and hope he doesn’t die, but I have a feeling next year Joe may inherit a dog and the bookmaking business.  I also have concerns about whatever is going on with Joe’s eye.  I don’t think it’s a hair he kept seeing; I think it is the beginning of something degenerative.
     I can’t believe next week is already the season finale.  It goes too fast.

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/2/11 Desperate Housewives/Brothers & Sisters

Desperate Housewives – Assassins
     Oh Orson, go F yourself.  “Judy kicked me out, can I stay with you?”  UMMMM, NO. NO. No. No, no, no, no.  The ensuing food fight was great though, and did make me laugh.  Bree is so much better suited to Orson, but Keith seems to bring out a fun side to her that Orson doesn’t touch,  I am glad Orson got to see her with Keith in a moment where she let her guard down and showed her true feelings for Keith. 
     I think Gaby is starting to have a breakdown of some kind.  While I completely understand Carlos’ point of view, he didn’t bond with Grace like Gabby did.  And while the therapist may have been right about what will help Juanita, I don’t think any of them have taken into account what Gabby is going through.  This is a really difficult situation, and I agree, and disagree, with everyone involved, to one degree or another.
     Susan refused to accept that things have to change, and instead of following the advice of her nurse, and her doctor, and insisted on taking MJ for ice cream.  So, instead of him being scared she might die, he was traumatized by watching her have a seizure on the hospital hallway floor.  I would say that is a much worse option.  I wanted to slap her for this, for not listening to the professionals and thinking she knew better.  It would be a better show without her, but there is no way Susan is going to die.  So now we get to see her deal with dialysis and being ill instead.  Uggh, not like Susan was frail enough before, now it’s going to be even worse.  And would someone PLEASE buy Mike a razor.  I know he was in Alaska, but he is back now; shave for goodness sake.  Carlos did, and he looks 10 years younger because of it.
     Paul now knows that his wife is Felicia’s daughter.  He is obviously going to use this to his advantage somehow in the future, although I don’t think he knows yet what he is going to do with the information.  I think a part of him may be hurt by what I am sure he sees as a betrayal, and we all know a hurt Paul is like a hurt animal:  he will strike out to protect himself.

Brothers & Sisters – Scandalized
     I LOVED Seth’s personalized ringtone for his mother.  The scream really cracked me up.
     Scotty and Kevin giving back their baby in their role-playing made me tear up.  Those two have more emotional resonance with me than anyone else on this show.  For me, Scotty is really the heart of their relationship, and he has the biggest heart of any of the characters.  That may be why I identify with him and feel for them as a couple.  I teared up again when they realized the little girl, Olivia chose them.  I really hope they end up with her!
     The dinner Nora hosted was one of the most uncomfortable dinners they have had on this show in a long time.  Carl was seriously a douche and I hope that was the last we see of him.  I love the actor and want Nora to be happy, but he is not right for her.
     Did I miss something with Justin?  Last I remember he said he wanted to be an EMT, and now he is one?  Did he just walk in and say, I want to be an EMT, I was a medic in the war, and they just put him on an ambulance?  Same thing for his relationship with Annie, it feels rushed and forced.  It feels like time has supposedly gone forward much faster for Justin than for the other characters for some reason.  It just feels weird and rushed and odd somehow.
     If they ever do a spin-off of this show, I hope they take Scotty and Kevin and give them their own show.  I would watch that for sure.  I think Scotty running a restaurant, Kevin being a lawyer, with full lives and careers and family life, and the process of fostering and adopting a slightly older child would be a great show.  Yep, I would watch that.