The Big Bang Theory – The Irish Pub Formulation
Raj’s sister has a one day layover in LA and she spends the night with Leonard. This is a problem because he and Howard both made a pinky swear the last time she was in town that neither of them would go after her. They also promised Raj they wouldn’t go after her, because he would feel betrayed, which he does.
When Raj found out Leonard slept with his sister, who by this time had left town again, a bunch of small betrayal and secrets came out. An iPhone accidently but secretly dropped into a toilet was one, but the funniest one was that Raj used Sheldon’s toothbrush. Not the brush-part, but the gum stimulator. Sheldon’s reaction was hysterical, and was probably the best part of the episode,
The Vampire Diaries – Masquerade
When the HELL did Jeremy get so hot? Now that he is moving out of his emo phase and he is in a suit with his hair slicked back, he looks amazing. The chemistry between him and Bonnie was unexpected. I still think I would like to see what would happen between her and Damon, but Jeremy would be a good distraction.
Katherine brought a new witch to the scene, who linked Katherine and Elena together, so everything Katherine felt, Elena felt too. So, when Jeremy did his part, and Caroline did hers, by fooling Katherine into going into the room that Bonnie had turned into a kind of holding cell for vampires (YAY Caroline!), and Stefan and Damon started attacking Katherine and staking her, Elena was also wounded. If they had killed her before Jeremy stopped them, Elena would have died as well.
Lucy, the new witch, is Bonnie’s distance relative, and I have a feeling we are going to see her again. She gave Katherine the moonstone, then put some kind of debilitating spell on her, and removed the spell from Elena.
Instead of staking Katherine and ending her for good, Damon locked her into the tomb in which she was supposed to be interned 145 years ago. She is alone, but with the moonstone, and after telling Damon that Elena is in danger, he sealed her into the tomb.
At the same time, Elena told Stefan she loves him and wants to be with him, but she needs time to feel she and her family are safe. She called Jeremy to say she was on her way home, and then was snatched up by someone in a mask before getting to her car.
In the B storyline, Matt had been compelled by Katherine to fight Tyler until Tyler killed him (Matt). Matt did his best, but Caroline intervened, and knocked Matt out cold. Then plan C (or maybe B part 2) kicked in, and party-girl Sarah, having also been compelled by Katherine, went after Tyler with a knife. He pushed her away, hard; she hit her head on the side of the desk, and died. So, Tyler is now a werewolf. Caroline was sympathetic to him, and he realized she knew more about what is going on with him than he thought. Looks like it’s time to bring Tyler into the supernatural loop and let him know that while he is the only werewolf in town, there are vampires and witches as well. I just hope this doesn’t mean Damon and Stefan are going to have to kill Tyler now!
Grey’s Anatomy – These Arms of Mine
This episode was shot in documentary style: A documentary crew came to the hospital to talk to the staff about how they were doing nearly 6 months after the shooting. It was really well done, and believable based on documentaries I have seen in the past, although it did focus just on “our” doctors, while there were others affected by the shooting, but that’s the only way it would work within the context of the show.
It’s pretty obvious who is thriving in the aftermath of the shooting, and who is still struggling. Karav has really come into his own, and finally seems to know where he wants his career to go. It’s nice to see Alex as the fun, smart, strong, confident but not overly cocky doctor he can be.
Cristina is still struggling, and her struggle was caught, over and over again, by the camera crew. She doesn’t want to be a hero, doesn’t want to be seen as a hero, and doesn’t want others to call her a hero. At the end she admits that being a hero comes at a price. The other person struggling is Avery, and while his struggle is far more subtle, it is no less real. People understand Cristina’s struggle, but Avery’s is less understood by those around him.
The arm transplant case was very cool, and watching all the doctors work together was great. The recipient and his wife were great, and just wanted to do whatever it took to get the arms and get him some of his independence and mobility back.
Callie and Arizona are moving to Africa, because Arizona got a prestigious grant to work with children. The real reason is that Jessica Capshaw (Arizona ) is pregnant, and needs some time to have her baby and then bond with the baby, before returning to work. I understand the need for her to take time off, and think it should be good for their storyline when they come back.
Bailey’s patient from the day of the shooting, Mary, came back to finally have her colostomy bag removed. It was a pretty standard surgery and it went well, but Mary never woke up from the surgery. Her husband had to take her off life support, and she died. She survived that horrific day, only to die six months later after a really basic procedure. In the six intervening months, she and her husband had travelled extensively, so she had really LIVED those six months, and it was a sad, tragic end to her story.
Private Practice – All in the Family
One husband has to admit to his wife that not only is he gay, but he is HIV positive. She understood him being gay, said that she had known for a long time, that they would always be friends, and she asked the man he was in love with to take care of him. Then he told her he is HIV positive, and she got very upset (while she at least is still negative). He tried to talk to her more, but she slapped him and left.
Another husband impregnated his comatose wife, and when the baby was lost he talked to her, saying they would try again. He truly believed she could hear him, that they would have a family together, and that what he was doing was okay. Addison called the police, because she was comatose and couldn’t give consent, so him having sex with her was illegal. Sam didn’t agree that this was the best way to handle the situation, and Sheldon agreed that the man was obviously having some kind of emotional breakdown and needed counseling. Addie and Sam both felt they were right and the other was wrong, but I would have agreed with Addie on this one. He should not have been in a position to continue to have access to his wife, and try to impregnate her again, regardless of his mental status.
Pete finally told Violet what happened to land his mother in prison and cause the rift between him and his brother. His mother killed a man, and his brother lied on the stand to try and protect her, while Pete was the one who called police on his mother after the murder, and helped convict her. He doesn’t want anything to do with these people, and I really hope now Violet can let it go. I think it would be very painful for Pete to bring either his brother or mother back into his life, and I hope Violet respects that or he may not be able to forgive her, especially now that she knows the truth of the situation.
At the end of her hospital shift, after fighting and making up with Cooper, Charlotte was on her way home to him when she was attacked and pulled into a closet. This is how this episode ended, but it will continue into next week, and the ramifications are going to be felt for a long time to come. I have read some about what is going to happen, and won’t spoil it here, but I think we are about to see some incredible writing and acting, especially by KaDee Strickland. If it goes as I believe it will, look for next week’s episode at Emmy time.
The Mentalist – Pink Chanel Suit
A man is murdered and the daughter of a prominent citizen disappears and Jane and the CBI have to find her. They discovered there was no way she could have gotten out of the compound on which she lived, without being detected, due to a large security force. At first she was suspected of the murder of the man, and they thought she somehow snuck off the property and escaped, but eventually they came realize she was also dead. The eventual outcome was that a doctor under the family’s employ killed her by accidental overdose (he was trying to manage her addiction by administering drugs to her himself) and when discovered he killed the other man.
I have to be honest, I enjoy watching this show, but it really didn’t hold my attention this week. I feel like I should have given it a better recap, but I just don’t really have much else to say about it.
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