Thursday, October 21, 2010

Modern Family/Cougar Town/The Whole Truth

Modern Family – Unplugged
     I have never been a particularly huge fan of Gloria’s, but this episode really made me love her.  First of all, she rescued the neighbor’s dog, which was basically being abused by being tied to a tree all the time.  Then she showed she wasn’t afraid to kill a rat, and then she talked about her village and the goats.  I laughed a lot in the episode, and most of it was at Gloria’s storyline this week.
     Cam and Mitchell were hysterical when they realized who they were competing with for entrance into the pre-school.  They knew there was no way they were going to beat the other couple and their child.  Cam trying to sound/act like a Native American was the only thing that fell flat for me in this episode.  It was really out of character for him.
     The Dunphys unplugging was also great.  I have often thought about doing that, but it would have to be in the summer, when new TV episodes are fewer and farther between.  I thought Haley constructing a cell phone out of soap and coloring it using a marker was genius, and she did win the competition because of it, but sadly she didn’t win the car they promised her if she won.  She kind of got screwed, but her parents never thought she would win.  Not a good reason to not give her what they promised, but an understandable one, if you are a parent and can’t afford a third car.

 Cougar Town – Keeping Me Alive
     No sane money man, or friend, would suggest Bobby cancel his health insurance.  I really like Bobby and Andy’s friendship.  I am glad Jules admitted she likes that he still needs her.
     I am also glad Laurie admitted she really is sad that Smith broke up with her.  It IS possible to be friends with your ex, but there generally needs to be some time between the breakup and the friendship.  Sleeping together after the breakup also makes it more difficult to be friends.

The Whole Truth – True Confessions
     The kid did it.  It really didn’t surprise me after he went off on his defense attorney when she was practicing with him for cross-examination.  I don’t really have much more to say about this show.

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