How I Met Your Mother – Cleaning House
There were some genuinely funny in this episode. I really laughed when Robin was emailing her friend Liz about Ted.
I was also very happy that Barney had a strong, heartfelt episode. I think Neil Patrick Harris is amazing, and when he is able to show real emotion as Barney, he simply shines. He was so sweet with his mother (played by the brilliant Frances Conroy) and so funny with James (Wayne Brady) and James’ newfound father Sam (Ben Vereen), it was great to watch. I would guess this will be one of NPH’s Emmy nomination episodes for this season.
I was NOT happy about Lily and Marshall discussing Santa Claus not being real at the 8:00 hour. I know this show is not designed for children, and the comedy is inappropriate for children of the age that still believe in Santa Clause, but I didn’t think it was necessary for the story. I would expect there will be complaints lodged with CBS tomorrow.
House – Selfish
House and Cuddy need to figure out how to work together in the way they used to, without hurting each other personally. I think they are starting to, but it is going to take some time. They do have to be painfully honest with each other, so it should be interesting to see how that works out.
I was pleased that the brother stepped up and took the decision away from his parents, and really even away from his sister. He knows his life is limited and he wants her to have her full life. It was a very mature thing for a young man to do.
Mike & Molly – First Date
I laughed out loud a lot with this episode. Mike’s sweater was a hysterical mess, and whoever convinced him it was a good idea should be ashamed of themselves LOL. Molly being jacked up on codeine based cough syrup and a diet pill allowed Melissa McCarthy to shine. Her comedy timing and acting skills were excellent in this episode as well as her physical comedy. The chemistry between the two leads is good, and seems to be even stronger than in the pilot. I am really happy with the direction this show seems to be headed.
The Event – To Keep Us Safe
Jason Ritter action star! I would never have expected it but in his last two eps he jumped off a cliff to save a woman, swam her back to shore, ran off a cruise ship (still not sure how that happened), ran through the desert until he dropped from dehydration, and ran around a hospital evading the FBI until he slipped and fell basically at their feet.
So, the Alaska detainees were alien crash survivors, if I followed it correctly. Besides those detained, there are others who infiltrated the world and have been living as sleeper agents, even though their slow aging should be noticed by people, I would think. Lee, the agent who was just put in charge of finding the clandestine survivors, is one of them himself.
The entire planeload of passengers is dead, including my beloved, Scott Patterson?!?!? NOOOOO! He was one of the first reasons I started watching this show. I am holding out hope that he is a) still alive, and b) one of the clandestine survivors. LOL, in denial… maybe.
I really wanted to not like this show this week. I have a lot of television on my schedule, and I was hoping this would be the week I would decide to cut this show from my schedule. No such luck. While I thought the case wasn’t terribly interesting, although I liked the boy, I did enjoy the way the characters are gelling together. I feel like they are starting to coalesce as a team, and are starting to work as a unit.
I have only one complaint this week: If they continue to shove it down our throats that Chin and Kona are cousins I may just post a screaming “AAUUGGGGHHH” for a week. We get it, they are cousins - there will be no romance between them, they are family, they are going to look out for each other, whatever they are trying to force us to understand, we GET IT. I have several cousins, and have never once referred to any of them as “cus”.
Castle – He’s Dead, She’s Dead
Double-rainbows!! I follow Nathan Fillion on Twitter and he went crazy for double-rainbows a while back. He mentioned on Twitter on Monday that he had worked it into the show. It was fun to see it happen.
I loved that Castle so absolutely wanted to believe in the psychic and Beckett so absolutely didn’t. I also love that at the end, Beckett may have believed, just a little bit. We learned Castle’s real, given name, and his middle name is Alexander. I wonder why he changed his last name from Rodgers to Castle? Was it because he found his father and his name was Castle, or some other reason? Do we already know that, and I have forgotten, or do we not know?
I think I mentioned in the comments last week that people shouldn’t get too attached to Lone Star. As of this afternoon (Tuesday 9/28) the show has been cancelled. They completed filming the pilot + 5 episodes, but none beyond the two that aired are scheduled to air at all. Lie to Me (another show I don’t watch, thankfully) takes over the timeslot next week.
As I have been watching, dvr’ing, and paying attention more than I used to, I have to comment on the audio volume of the commercials. I can’t believe how annoying it is to have the volume set just right for the show I am watching, especially when some of these actors mumble, only to have the commercials blasting the top of my head off. This used to be regulated, but I don’t believe it is anymore, and it is blatantly obvious the advertising industry is taking full advantage of this.
I think Castle mentioned that he changed his name when he became an author because he thought it was catchier or something like that. I don't think it had been mentioned before, though.