Thursday, September 30, 2010

Parenthood/Modern Family/Courgar Town/The Whole Truth

Parenthood – I’m Cooler Than You Think
     Julia’s reaction to Joel not knowing if he wants them to have another child bothered me.  Actually, this whole plotline bothered me, because it’s as if she didn’t even think about how another baby would affect him.  I think he was absolutely right to be upset with her.  I can’t believe he caved!
     I KNEW Renee, Jabbar’s grandmother, was going to a problem for Crosby.  She was really domineering and controlling and bordering on rude to Crosby, and her holding what Jasmine’s father did to her against Crosby was completely unfair.  She also negated the Braverman family tradition of baseball games, just because she didn’t understand that their tradition was as important to them as church is to her.  At least she tried to get into it at the end.
     I am glad Sarah got the girls into the show.  I was so afraid she was going to be the lame mother who couldn’t do even this one thing for her daughter and her friend.  It worked out really nicely, and I like the flirtation between her and the new dude.
     I am also glad Adam was able to engage Max at the end of the episode.  I can’t imagine how difficult it would be a parent of a child with Autism, and how frustrating it must be to want to break through and communicate, and have a hard time doing so.  If it takes talking about treasure and pirates to make a connection, good for Adam to be able to do that!

Modern Family – The Kiss
     Finally, Mitchell and Cameron kiss on screen.  Commentary about the fact that they didn’t ever kiss last season was all over the blogosphere all summer.  I am glad it was done subtly and tastefully, and while the episode was basically centered on it, the actual kiss itself was realistic and seemed natural. 
     I loved Gloria messing with Jay throughout the episode.  It always makes me laugh when she one-ups him.   Phil’s work with the printer also made me laugh, it’s always fun when Phil tries to impress Jay. 

Cougar Town – Let Yourself Go
     Ben Vereen shows up on HIMYM, and also gets a mention on Cougar Town in the same week.  I find that a very interesting coincidence. 
     Travis goes off to college, and while they act like it’s out-of-state it’s only 20 minutes away.  Please, he will be back every episode, I would imagine.  He has to do his laundry somewhere, right?
     Stan, who I always completely forget about, walked in this episode!  That broke the floodgates, and Ellie, who never told Stan stories before, couldn’t stop by the end of the episode.  I am glad they don’t focus on the baby, that isn’t what this show is about, but it is nice to be reminded that he exists every once in a while.

The Whole Truth – Thicker Than Water
     I still like the dual nature of this show, the back and forth between the defense case and the prosecution case.  I thought I had guessed what happened, but I was totally wrong in what I thought had happened.  I really like the fact that in the end, they let you know what really happened, without explicitly showing it to the audience.

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