Desperate Housewives – Pleasant Little Kingdom
Paul Young is an evil genius. I don’t believe he has any interest in actually helping ex-convicts, I believe he is doing all he is doing strictly to get back at the residents of the lane for whatever betrayal he believes they perpetrated on him.
So, the Gabby and Carlos baby switch storyline ended with their biological daughter going off with her switched mother? That’s it, really? It’s so annoying when this show starts a story and then it goes nowhere. I have no idea if this is the true end of this story or if there is somehow more to come, but at face value I am really irritated that this really went nowhere. Was this all just to explain why Juanita doesn’t look anything like Gabby or Carlos? It still didn’t explain why her little sister looks just like her.
First Renee calls Susan “the smart one” on the lane. She must have already been drunk when she said that, because anyone who has watched this show for more than one episode knows that is the opposite of the truth. Marc Cherry, just because you say it’s so doesn’t make it so.
Then Renee told Susan she in love with Tom, after one weekend together 20 years ago? I get that she may have residual attraction to him, but in love with him? UGH I did love Lynette’s and Tom’s storyline this week. Their relationship tends to be the most realistic to me, the ups and downs and good and bad of a real, healthy relationship.
I don’t know how much longer I am going to be watching this show. Honestly, if something comes up on a rival network that I want to watch, I think DH will be toast for my viewing. I watch it now mostly out of habit and that there is nothing competing with it that is of interest to me. I just need something to tip the scales and I am done. It’s so sad to remember when this show was innovative and different and fun, and see how far it has fallen in six seasons.
Brothers & Sisters – Get a Room
This episode made me laugh a lot. I really enjoyed all the romantic entanglements and even more loved seeing Kevin stoned. It was great to see everyone having some fun, even if they still had their angst-filled moments. I didn’t even miss Justin until the previews for the next episode, when I saw him and said to myself “Wow, Justin wasn’t even in this episode!”
I like that Kitty is going to be “hooking up” with a younger man. I know he has a decent number of episodes scheduled, and I like the actor, Ryan Devlin most recently from Cougar Town , and I hope he and Kitty get to have a little fun. She needs to lighten up and I really liked her in this episode, damning the consequences. I didn’t even think about Robert in this episode, so for me this new character of Seth is a hit.
I didn’t realize Luc was going to be gone for a while, and while I am sad to see him leaving for a bit, maybe we will get to see more of Sarah in the workplace, especially now that she has a workplace. It’s funny to me that she bought this big media empire, and the only place we have seen her working is in the radio station (one of six that she owns) in which her mother works. Shouldn’t she have a big corporate office somewhere, from which she would run her conglomerate?
It was a good episode, and I hope they continue to bring the humor to the show. It has been missing for a while now, and things have been really serious for a long time, but this episode reminded me just how funny this cast can be, and how well written the humor is on this show.
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