No Ordinary Family – No Ordinary Quake
The “earthquake” was caused by someone with extraordinary powers, who ended up being taken into custody by the company Stephanie works for.
JJ finally had to come clean to his family regarding the fact that he has powers. I am SO glad that storyline is over, I find it way more interesting when everyone within the family knows what’s going on, and they can help each other find ways to deal with whatever inconveniences their powers bring.
Daphne misread the minds of a friend and her teacher, and thought the two were sleeping together. She went to someone in a position of authority at the school, and told them, via a note, of her suspicions. She was wrong, the teacher had been dating the girl’s mother, and it was awkward and uncomfortable for everyone.
Glee – The Rocky Horror Glee Show
First I have to admit, I have only seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show once, so I can’t really discuss comparisons with any authority.
I DO know that Barry Bostwick and MeatLoaf were both in Rocky Horror, and the fact that they guest starred here was awesome. Their casting as station managers of Sue’s TV station, where she does “That’s How Sue C’s It” was brilliant. I thought it was a great nod. And when Sue eventually taped her commentary, it was honest, well thought out, well reasoned, and well spoken. She made her points, both in the commentary and in her conversation with Will, in a smart and concise manner.
Will’s motivation for putting on this show was terrible. It wasn’t for the club, it wasn’t to push boundaries, it wasn’t to introduce the students to a groundbreaking musical from 35 (GULP) years ago, it was to make an impression on Emma, and try to win her away from Carl.
Speaking of Carl, I know John Stamos plays drums, and I know he’s been on Broadway, but I really didn’t know what a good voice he has. I was really impressed, and would have loved to see him as Eddie. I would love to know how he gets better and better looking as he gets older. I loved seeing him in all black leather.
Will and Sam are certainly hiding some “talents” under all their clothes. Speaking of clothes, the costumes and makeup for the production were fantastic, and I have to especially shout out what they did to Kurt for his role. I honestly wasn’t sure who that was, until I looked VERY closely, and then when he sang I was sure.
Mercedes as Frankenfurter was inspired. I am not overly thrilled that the largest of the female cast members went for the role, any of them could have done it, but she definitely is a strong voice, and I think she was a great idea to play the character.
I would expect the DVD of The Rocky Horror Picture Show sales are going to see a big boost in the next few days, I believe this episode introduced it to a whole new generation of potential fans. They did mention, several times, that there is a lot of material that might not be appropriate for teens, and I hope parents take that to heart before getting the DVDs for their kids.
Before I end, I want to say, I LOVED Becky dressed as Sue. She also had my favorite line of the night, to Will: “Give me some chocolate, or I. Will. Cut. You.” I have been there girl!
Sons of Anarchy – Lochan Mor
Chibs’ reunion with Fi and his daughter made me tear up. His daughter Carrie-Ann looked so forlorn and sad, and scared, and angry.
Little freakin’ prospect weasel let Lumpy get hurt (killed?) on his watch, then bailed on the club, leaving his cut and the gun he was given, and riding off into the night. This show makes me want to use very foul language, both because they all use it, and because sometimes what goes on deserves it. I was certainly calling him all kinds of names when he hid and then ran.
We finally got some answers about the differing sides of the Irish conflict. Father Kellan Ashby explained to Jax that Jimmy O’Phelan wants to take the gun running and protection business away from SoA Belfast, and leave them out of the IRA business completely. Kellan and his faction don’t want this to happen, but they also can’t kill Jimmy O, because he is entrenched in, and backed by, a portion of the Army. Kellan wants SAMCRO to kill Jimmy O, specifically Jax, because everyone would understand him going after Jimmy as a vengeful, grieving father.
So, Jimmy never had Abel, but he was lying to SAMCRO, because he didn’t want them to come to
He knew if they came to
Belfast, there would be a very good chance Kellan and SAMBEL (at least the majority of the membership that isn’t working with Jimmy O) would get to them and this would be put into motion.
It’s also why he tried to get them picked up by police and sent back to the
Kellan is keeping Abel away from Jax and SAMCRO, because he wants them to kill Jimmy O. He says it’s for Abel’s protection, but I think it is much more a form of blackmail: Abel is in danger, and you will get him back once you eliminate Jimmy O.
Maureen and Gemma are really going to have to tell Trinity and Jax about JT being her father, BEFORE the chemistry between the two of them gets any stronger and they end up either in bed together or close. I VERY MUCH enjoyed seeing Charlie Hunnam, as Jax, all shirtless and sweaty and just damn HOT. It appeared Trinity also enjoyed seeing Jax that way.
Lyla confided in Tara that she is pregnant, and
Tara went with her to have an abortion.
She is right; it isn’t the right time for her and Opie to have a baby.
Tara was also confronted by Margaret at the hospital, who told her that if it was her (Tara) that was going to have the abortion, she thinks it’s the right decision because Tara is confused about where her life is going, and it’s not a good atmosphere into which to bring a baby.
It was really nice to see Clay smiling, laughing, and just enjoying a moment with his club and his wife. Ron Perlman’s face changes completely when he smiles.
Tig’s license has been revoked, so it will be interesting to see how that affects him riding, working, etc. We now know that his conflict between him and Kozik has something to do with a woman, but I don’t think it is going to go in the direction of them being involved with/after the same woman. I have a feeling it’s going to be deeper and more involved than that, maybe they accidently injured/killed a woman, and Tig blames Kozik for it.
Lastly, I really had Jacob Hale. He is slime, and I hope he gets what’s coming to him before the end of the season. Even Darby got my sympathy tonight, because he seems to really want to change, and Hale doesn’t want to let him. Hale wants to pull him back into the dark side, and Darby is trying to resist. I give him a lot of credit for walking away, instead of taking the money and hurting (killing?) Lumpy. I hope he can hold his ground!
Damn, this show makes me long-winded. Between how much I love the show, and how complicated it is right now, there is just SO much to talk about.
Parenthood – Seven Names
I understood why Sarah felt she had to tell Amber’s friend’s mother about their Halloween antics last week, but I also understood why Amber was so upset. Her mother promised she wouldn’t say anything, and then went back on that promise. It was a promise Sarah never should have made in the first place, and the conversation between mothers should have happened the night of the party, not as some spontaneous thing a few days later. I am glad Amber came to understand, and even said her friend was a bit odd, which she was, and I hope that girl is actually gone from the show. I didn’t like her, and I didn’t like her influence on Amber.
Crosby and Jasmine are getting married.
I am glad she said yes, and that even though
Crosby has a slight case of cold feet, he is sticking by his proposal.
They do make a good couple, although I also think they have some things to work out before they actually walk down the aisle.
I don’t think either of them is terribly mature, and Jasmine needs to figure out what she is going to do for a career before they get married.
I am glad Haddie is finally getting a storyline this season. I want to see her start to become a young adult instead of a teenager, and I think doing this community service charity work is a great step for her. I hope it isn’t just a way to get her involved with a guy, which seems to be where it is headed, but also really explores what she is doing, and how people can help.
Adam had to lay off seven people at his company. I didn’t like this storyline, because as far as I was concerned Gordon, the owner of the company, should have been holding the actual meetings and laying the people off. Instead he stunk of alcohol, and would have made things much worse on those who were being let go. I understand that Adam knew the people better and very possibly should have been the person to decide who would be laid off, but Gordon should have been the person to do the actual deed. It’s a small company, it was his responsibility.
I also wasn’t thrilled with the Julia and Joel storyline. Their daughter is old enough to understand if they have to hire a babysitter for her after school hours. Couples all over the country work, and their children are left with sitters all the time. Single parents also have to deal with babysitters for after school hours. If Julia “bills at $600 an hour”, it’s not as if they can’t afford to get a sitter, or for that matter a live in nanny. I understand they may not want to feel like someone else is raising their daughter, but this is just stupid to me.